
Sunday, July 8, 2018

چالاكی پێشمه‌رگه‌ له‌ رۆژهه‌ڵات

ته‌نیا كۆماری سێداره‌و كلك و پێونده‌كانی ئه‌و رژیمه‌ ده‌وزه‌خیه‌یه‌ كه‌ له‌ چالاكی و هه‌ڵسوورانی سه‌ركه‌وتوانه‌ی پێشمه‌رگه‌كانمان توڕه‌ن.
پێشمه‌رگه‌ قاره‌مان و دوژمن به‌زێنه‌كانی كوردستان، ده‌ست و مه‌چه‌كی شێرانه‌تان پڕ له‌ گوڵ ده‌گووشین!
ره‌حیم ره‌شیدی

It is only the Islamic Republic of Iran that with their spear of influence across the country border around it have been sensibly displeased by the news of positive activities by Kurdish forces peshmerga in Eastern Kurdistan. As always my word is that, all the support with the peshmerga and that they never leave my thoughts.
Thanks for your service and God bless you all.
Rahim Rashidi

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