
Wednesday, July 7, 2021

The Gold Institute for International Strategy

STATEMENT: The Gold Institute for International Strategy deplores the actions of the PYD in closing the offices of Kurdistan 24, the premiere source of information from all regions of Greater Kurdistan.

The Gold Institute for International Strategy deplores the actions of the PYD (Partiya Yekîtiya Demokrat - Democratic Union Party) on June 20th, in closing the offices of Kurdistan 24, the premiere source of information from all regions of Greater Kurdistan.

The measure, taken without notice or explanation, casts doubts on the commitment of the administration of Rojava to elemental freedoms, the very freedoms the Kurdish people have fought tirelessly for decades to obtain.

Indeed, this is the second time the offices of Kurdistan24 have been closed, despite the PYD’s assurances that it seeks a “democratic solution that includes the recognition of cultural, national and political rights, and develops and enhances their peaceful struggle to be able to govern themselves in a multicultural, democratic society” for Rojava. Censorship of the press and persecution of ideas does not seem the proper vehicle to reach those lofty goals.

Around the world, many look to Kurdistan 24 to obtain first hand, unbiased reporting of events in all four Kurdistan regions in Syria, Iraq, Iran and Turkey, and we view its censorship as a troubling development, made more serious by the subsequent closing of the Semalka border closing.

We hope that these ominous events do not herald a new era of authoritarianism returning to the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria and look forward to the free society Syrian Kurds have fought so valiantly to obtain.

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